I'm Canadian but have been calling Zurich Switzerland home since 2002. In 2005 I began practicing yoga regularly and after years of devotion to my mat and my practices, I was encouraged by my teacher Dianne Bondy to completed a 200 hour Anusara® teacher training. I have been teaching yoga classes, privates, workshops, corporate classes and retreats ever since.
In 2011 I was introduced to Nico Luce. His warm spirit and our shared interest in Anusara® inspired me to complete another 200 hour Hatha -Vinyasa Yoga teacher training with him Lausanne.
I am always taking new trainings and retreats and was called to Istanbul where I took part in a beautiful training with Elena Brower. It was her who introduced me to my most recent exploration with Katonah Yoga®.
Katonah Yoga® created by Nevine Michaan, incorporates classical Hatha yoga (asana) with Taoist theory, sacred geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor and imagination.
Katonah Yoga® has encompassed all of my past and present teachings into one whole framework.
Subsequently, I have spent hours and have trained mostly only in this lineage since. I continue studying and practicing with some of the best in the Katonah Yoga® community including Abbie Galvin, Dages Juvelier Keates, Aylin Karadayi and Reni Bickel.

Aside from the yoga trainings, I completed 50 hours of Dorn-Breuss therapy courses with Gabriella Baumann to incorporate and offer hands on care and massage for private clients.